
Chinese flat bread
Chinese flat bread

chinese flat bread chinese flat bread

I’ve decided that I will blog my recipes in both English and Chinese. Julie Powell made a decision on her 30th birthday to cook all 524 recipes in Child’s cookbook in 365 days. Meryl Streep was amazing! I was inspired by both characters, their passion for food, their love and dedication to their loved ones. My son Maomao said to me: “It’s so yummy! Mom, I want to learn how to make this dish.” That night my husband and I watched the movie “Julie & Julia”. We then went to a sushi restaurant for lunch to celebrate that I am getting one year younger! For dinner I made Chinese flat bread with pulled pork, topped with chopped fresh cilantro. We bought fresh meat and vegetables at a nearby farm, did laundry and house cleaning. Weekends are always busy for me and this one was no exception.

chinese flat bread

It was one of my favorite foods of my childhood. Shao Bing is a very popular breakfast choice in China. A variety of stuffing can be made with Shao Bing, for example, stir fried egg, pulled pork, or five-spice braised beef, and served like a sandwich. 【Pulled Pork on Chinese Flatbread】- A new startĬhinese flatbread, called “Shao Bing” in Chinese, is a baked, layered flatbread with sesame on top.

Chinese flat bread